Player Turns $50 Spin into $42 Million

Trending 6 months ago

Online slots are among nan astir celebrated games recovered astatine online casinos crossed nan web. Players propulsion nan virtual lever, hoping to harvester symbols to triumph 1 of nan game’s biggest jackpots. A personification astatine did that successful nan biggest measurement possible, turning a azygous rotation into a historical victory.

The victor wagered $50 and turned it into a grounds $42 cardinal prize. It is nan largest triumph astatine an online slot crippled to date. It is nan dream of online casino players everyplace and begs nan mobility of erstwhile this historical jackpot magnitude will beryllium bested.

A Word from nan Winner

Wheel Of Wishes Online Slot Game | Unibet UK

A subordinate astatine played nan USDT cryptocurrency crippled Wheel of Wishes from Alchemy Gaming. On December 20, a $50 stake resulted successful a monolithic $42.1 cardinal jackpot win. The progressive jackpot, 1 of nan galore from Games Global’s WowPot!, started astatine 2 cardinal euros initially. Each mini stake that fails to move up a victor is added to nan pool, creating a larger and larger opportunity pinch each pull. has respected nan wishes of nan victor to stay anonymous. That said, he has commented connected nan matter. “At first I thought it was a mistake, but erstwhile it sank successful that I’d won much than $40 cardinal dollars, I was moving astir nan room shouting and celebrating.”

Commenting connected what he will do pinch nan money, he added, “I’m taking things slow and not making immoderate large decisions conscionable yet. All I cognize is that my family will ne'er person to interest astir money again. Not successful a cardinal years did I deliberation that relaxing pinch a fewer spins connected my favourite sportsbook and casino would alteration everything. I’ve been playing pinch for years, and it has proven to beryllium nan champion determination I’ve ever made.”

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On apical of nan monolithic jackpot win, location is an further perk provided to nan winner. The squad will alert him retired to London to person meal pinch them, followed by a Newcastle United Football Club lucifer successful nan VIP container ( is an charismatic partner of nan club).

Winning would person been spectacular enough. Being capable to garner a VIP shot acquisition pinch Newcastle United conscionable makes nan triumph each nan sweeter. 

More About is nan first crypto sportsbook to characteristic a cash-out characteristic successful summation to offering online casino games. Founded by nan Yolo Group successful 2016, it has go a cutting-edge staple of nan crypto community. It has established a trusted estimation and immoderate of nan fastest withdrawal times around.


It is moments for illustration this that spurn nan fame of online casino games. Players dream that a azygous rotation will move their meager stake into life-changing money. This subordinate managed to move Wheel of Wishes into a $42.1 cardinal jackpot successful nan blink of an eye.
