Scammers Convince Casino Employee to Hand Over $700,000

Trending 4 months ago

Scams are everyplace these days and it seems arsenic though moreover casinos aren’t immune. A Michigan man was arrested precocious for his portion successful a strategy successful which a casino worker was tricked into forking complete $700,000.

A scammer has been arrested for stealing $700,000 successful costs from a Hartford, MI casino. Jesus Gaytan-Garcia, 43, tricked a Four Winds Casino worker into giving him $700,000, said Mark Totten, U.S. Attorney for nan Western District of Michigan.

The casino received a telephone claiming to beryllium nan tribal chairperson. In nan call, nan personification claimed that they needed nan costs to make an urgent costs successful what turned retired to beryllium a elemental yet effective scam.

Fraudulent Claim

It each began erstwhile nan casino received a telephone connected July 30 from personification claiming themselves to beryllium nan tribal chairperson. This personification said that they needed nan costs successful bid to make an urgent payment. The casino supervisor duped by nan declare gathered up $700,000 successful rate and near nan casino.

From there, they transported nan rate to a state position successful Gary, Indiana wherever they past handed complete nan money to 2 individuals who were, astatine nan time, unknown. Initially, nan worker was charged pinch nan theft but those charges person since been dropped.

Identifying Gayton-Garcia

What makes online casinos rigged? An A-to-Z guide.

After months of investigation by nan Pokagon Tribal Police and nan FBI, they yet identified Gayton-Garcia arsenic 1 of nan 2 aforementioned individuals astatine nan state station. They searched his home, recovered rate branded “Hartford” for nan casino location, and moreover nan day of nan theft connected it.

Gayton-Garcia was past instantly apprehended for “extraordinary theft.” He is simply a resident of Mexico and is successful nan United States illegally. He moreover called nan casino from a Cancun area code. Scams successful some unit and online casino games locations proceed to grow.

It is estimated that location whitethorn beryllium arsenic galore arsenic 3 group progressive successful total. As of now, only Gayton-Garcia has been charged. The investigation is ongoing arsenic nan FBI and tribal constabulary proceed to activity successful tandem to find who other whitethorn beryllium connected successful narration to nan scam.


Though nan scam seemed to person initially worked, Gaytan-Garcia is now successful custody. There has been an summation successful fraudulent activities against casinos lately, particularly pinch nan maturation of some unit and online casino locations. It is yet different point that casinos must protect themselves against going forward.
