MLB Betting in Canada

Trending 4 months ago

 Sports & Casino Author from CanadaSports & Casino: Luke Garrison

Luke Garrison is simply a master writer who grew up conscionable extracurricular of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He presently useful astatine nan Canadian Press and enjoys nan outdoors successful his free time.

MLB Teams Located successful Canada

Presently, nan Toronto Blue Jays are nan only MLB squad located northbound of nan border. Located successful Toronto, Ontario, nan Blue Jays play location games astatine nan Rogers Centre (formerly called nan ‘Sky Dome’).

In nan standings, Toronto is simply a portion of nan American League East (Also called nan ‘A.L. East’) which besides features nan New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Tampa Bay Rays, and nan Baltimore Orioles. Last season, nan Blue Jays managed to make nan playoffs; however, nan squad was swept by nan Minnesota Twins successful nan first round.

Toronto should beryllium a competitory squad this twelvemonth arsenic well, but nan division remains tough. They will only spell arsenic acold arsenic prima players for illustration Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Bo Bichette return them. The roster successful itself is reasonably solid, but astir of it needs to beryllium productive and accordant arsenic offseason acquisitions were fewer and acold between. Most nights, they should person a decent changeable astatine winning and could beryllium worthy betting on.

Important MLB Dates Every Canadian Baseball Fan Should Know

MLB Opening Day marks nan opening of each regular play astir nan extremity of March. This year, things will commencement a small earlier connected March 20-21, 2024 arsenic nan Los Angeles Dodgers and nan San Diego Padres will play a two-game group of regular play games successful Seoul, South Korea.

The remainder of nan play resumes connected March 28th and continues until September 29th. The postseason originates connected October 1st, meaning nan World Series could extremity arsenic precocious arsenic November 2nd. For a speedy reference of each nan astir important MLB dates successful 2024, please mention to nan array below.

Important MLB 2024 Event Date
Start of Spring Training (Baseball Pre-season) February 22
MLB World Tour Game 1 – Seoul, South Korea March 20-21
Opening Day March 28
MLB World Tour Game 2 – Mexico City, Mexico April 27-28
MLB World Tour Game 3 – London, England June 8-9
MLB All-Star Game – Arlington, Texas July 12-16
MLB Trade Deadline July 30
Start of MLB Playoffs October 1
Latest World Series End Date November 2

Popular Ways to Bet connected nan MLB successful Canada

MLB betting tin beryllium done from anyplace nowadays, whether you’re astatine nan crippled aliases connected nan sofa successful your surviving room. The astir celebrated MLB betting markets amongst Canadians are reasonably commonplace compared to different sports, pinch galore sites utilizing what are called ‘American odds’ expressed arsenic affirmative (ex. +110) aliases antagonistic (ex. -110) numbers. Keep reference beneath to study astir nan MLB stake types Canadians usage nan most.


Placing a moneyline stake intends picking an outright winner of immoderate fixed game. Betting likelihood pinch a affirmative number signify an underdog, whereas a antagonistic number is assigned to nan favourite. For example, if nan Blue Jays person moneyline likelihood of +200, they would beryllium nan underdog.

The likelihood besides show america really profitable a stake will be. For example, a $50 wager connected Toronto astatine +200 would output a $150 payout (your original $50 liking positive a $100 profit).

Run Line (Spread)

A dispersed stake is referred to arsenic a ‘run line’ stake successful baseball. It’s akin to a moneyline bet, pinch nan main quality being that a squad must triumph aliases suffer by a certain number of runs.

For example, if nan Red Sox were a -1.5 connected nan spread, they would person to triumph by 2 aliases much runs for nan stake to hit. If they were +1.5 connected nan spread, they would person to suffer by 1 tally aliases little (or triumph outright).

Totals (Over/Under)

Totals betting, often called ‘over/under’ betting, is each astir nan total sum of nan last score. Essentially, each crippled is fixed a tally full that some teams will cumulatively either transcend aliases autumn short of.

For example, a crippled betwixt nan Rays and nan Orioles has a full of 7.5. An ‘over’ stake would request 8 aliases much runs to rate (ex. a 5-4 score) whereas an ‘under’ stake requires 7 runs aliases little (ex. a 4-3 score).

Prop Betting

A prop stake is usually a wager connected a statistic of a circumstantial player. For example, betting connected Bichette to deed a location run. It tin besides beryllium expressed arsenic an over/under, specified arsenic ‘Guerrero Jr. over/under 1.5 hits’.

Parlay Betting

A parlay stake is simply a combination bet that tin see immoderate of nan antecedently mentioned stake types. Each azygous stake successful a parlay is called a ‘leg’ and each legs must deed for nan wager to win. For example, a three-leg parlay picking nan Blue Jays, Orioles, and Red Sox to each triumph their respective games.

Futures Betting

Futures betting is simply a wager connected a early event. This usually involves picking nan victor of a team aliases subordinate award specified arsenic ‘World Series Champion’ aliases ‘Most Valuable Player’. For example, picking nan Jays to triumph nan World Series.

Where to Watch nan MLB successful Canada

In Canada, watching nan MLB tin beryllium done a fewer different ways. Naturally, astir group are Toronto fans and subscribe to Sportsnet, which has exclusive Blue Jays broadcasting rights. Sportsnet is automatically included successful immoderate cablegram packages, but those without tin motion up for streaming plans done ‘Sportsnet +’ (formerly known arsenic ‘Sportsnet NOW’).

Plans commencement astatine $14.99 per month, which will springiness you entree to each 162 Blue Jays games on pinch up to 150 out-of-market games including nan All-Star Game, Home Run Derby, and nan MLB Playoffs. For those seeking alternatives, your champion options are MLB.TV (the charismatic streaming service) aliases DAZN. MLB.TV offers a free proceedings and costs $149.99 for a season-long subscription. Unfortunately, local marketplace blackouts do use – meaning immoderate crippled featuring nan Blue Jays will beryllium unavailable to those surviving successful Ontario and perchance different areas of Canada.

That said, it’s a awesome measurement to watch 7,000+ out-of-market games if you cheer for different team, aliases conscionable bask watching shot successful general. The tract besides offers a ‘Free Game of nan Day’, meaning astatine slightest 1 crippled each time is free without a subscription.

DAZN has nan MLB Network, which features several games arsenic good arsenic highlights and original programming shot fans will love. Subscriptions commencement astatine $19.99 per month, and DAZN moreover offers immoderate games for free to anyone who has an relationship – nary subscription required. The MLB crippled action will beryllium constricted compared to nan different mentioned platforms, but it’s worthy checking retired if you want a package that includes different sports arsenic well.

Now you cognize nan who, what, where, when, and why of enjoying nan MLB from Canada. Good luck!


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