$842 million Jackpot Won by Michigan Powerball Ticket

Trending 6 months ago

 A subordinate successful Grand Blanc, MI has achieved nan dream that millions dream for each and each week. A winning Powerball summons worthy $842 cardinal was sold astatine nan Food Castle of Grand Blanc, a section convenience shop successful Grand Blanc.

The jackpot is nan fifth-largest Powerball jackpot ever won. It is besides nan 10th-largest prize ever won successful nan United States. In Michigan, it was nan second-largest – nan biggest being a $1.05 cardinal Mega Millions jackpot that a Michigan resident won backmost successful January 2021.

The Winning Numbers

One $150,000 Powerball victor successful Connecticut arsenic jackpot grows to $760  cardinal – NBC Connecticut

The jackpot reached nan astronomical number of $842 cardinal erstwhile it was hit. The winning Powerball numbers for January 1 were 12-21-42-44-49, nan Red Powerball Power Number was 1, and nan Power Play Number was 3. There are akin games offered astatine your section casino, though nan jackpots are overmuch smaller.

The victor will person 1 twelvemonth from nan drafting to measurement guardant and declare nan prize nan from Michigan Lottery. The victor tin take to person an annuity worthy nan full magnitude aliases a rate action that is estimated to beryllium worthy $425.2 million. Before this jackpot, nary 1 had won nan jackpot successful 35 consecutive drawings going backmost to October 12. With that drawing, a California subordinate won $1.765 billion.

Other Recent Powerball Winners

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The expansive prize victor was not nan only 1 to rate in. Six players managed to lucifer each 5 of nan regular numbers, earning $1 cardinal successful nan process. Those tickets were sold successful Connecticut, California, Florida (two winners), Maryland, and Texas.

One of nan Florida players, arsenic good arsenic nan Texas player, deed nan Power Play number to bump those winnings up to $2 million. Like playing astatine an online casino, users tin acquisition tickets online for nan Powerball and effort to win existent money.

Lottery News

Tonight's Powerball drafting is nan past of nan twelvemonth pinch a $760 cardinal  jackpot

The Powerball is unsocial because it is simply a nationwide lottery contest. Each authorities has its ain lottery commission, moving (usually) smaller jackpots. Powerball, however, is offered to 44 states, Washington D.C., nan Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. It costs conscionable $2 to acquisition a summons and nan subordinate must prime 5 achromatic numbers and a reddish ball.

There is besides nan Mega Millions, which has a existent jackpot of astir $187 million. The rate payout would beryllium $91 million, nary mini sum deposit not being nan monolithic payday of nan astir caller Powerball winner.


Cashing successful connected a lottery win, fto unsocial 1 that is worthy much than $800 million, is surely a once-in-a-lifetime circumstance. Matters for illustration these are typically handled done an lawyer to protect nan personality of nan winner.

Even taking nan rate prize of $426 million, nan victor has achieved financial information for this life and those of their great-great-grandchildren going forward. Now, it’s clip to hold for nan adjacent large Powerball winner.

Source Casino.com